*Free* "The Mercy" (24" x 30") small dog house plan *free*

Check out this "FREE" dog house plan below! ~ This dog house plan is 24" wide by 30" long. It is called "The Mercy" and would be great for the terrier breeds, a miniature schnauzer, a cocker spaniel, or a couple of chiwawas. With my help, anyone can build it! You don't need to have any building experience, I'll walk you through every step by offering a free material list, all measurements & angles, step by step pictures and instructions, and a YouTube video to follow along, no kidding, it's all free! Scroll down to find and download all the free information. As far as Tools, you'll need a hammer, a tape measure, a saw, and a miter box, then we can start! If you don't have the tools, I'll proved a list of tools from Amazon.com which you can order here. So don't be scared, anyone can build a dog house here! So far, I have 4 plans that are complete, so scroll down for more options!
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Here are some of the pictures included in the building steps. I've made this so simple to follow, so let's get started. Download the free plan to get started!